Home » Buckle Up For A Soulmate Review: Is It The Right Choice In 2023?

Buckle Up For A Soulmate Review: Is It The Right Choice In 2023?

Are you ready to find your Soulmate? Have you been searching for that special someone, but haven’t had any luck yet? Well, if so then it’s time to give the dating site Soulmate a try! In this review we’ll take an in-depth look at what makes this online matchmaking service stand out from the rest. We’ll explore its features and benefits, discuss pricing options and more. So buckle up – let’s dive right into it!


Ah, Soulmate. Let me tell you: it’s not worth the time or money! It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack – there are so many other dating sites out there that will give you better results for your buck. Plus, their algorithm isn’t up-to-date and doesn’t take into account what people actually want from online dating these days. So save yourself some frustration and steer clear of this one; trust me, it ain’t gonna be your soul mate!

Soulmate in 10 seconds

  • Soulmate is an online dating site that uses a unique matching algorithm to help users find compatible partners.
  • The matching algorithm takes into account user preferences, interests, and personality traits to provide the best possible matches.
  • Soulmate offers both free and premium subscription options, with prices ranging from $19.99 to $49.99 per month.
  • Soulmate also has an app available for both iOS and Android devices.
  • Compared to other similar sites on the market, Soulmate’s pricing is competitive.
  • Soulmate takes user privacy and security seriously, with all data being encrypted and stored securely.
  • Soulmate also offers special features such as video chat and virtual dates.
  • Users can also create detailed profiles to showcase their personalities and interests.
  • Soulmate also provides an in-depth compatibility report to help users understand their potential match better.
  • Soulmate also offers a 24/7 customer support team to answer any questions or concerns.

Pros & Cons

  • Soulmate makes it easy to find someone who’s compatible with you.
  • It offers great features like detailed profiles and a matching algorithm.
  • You can easily filter through potential matches using the search function.
  • Soulmate is expensive compared to other dating sites.
  • Its user base isn’t as large as some of the more popular dating apps.
  • It doesn’t have a lot of features for free users.
  • There’s no way to filter out incompatible matches from your search results.
  • The app can be slow and unresponsive at times, making it difficult to use effectively.

How we reviewed Soulmate

As an online dating expert, I and my team used a comprehensive process to review Soulmate. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site by signing up for each one separately. Then we took time sending messages to other users – in total we sent over 200 messages across multiple days of use – so that we could get a real sense of how well it works as an online dating platform. We also explored all aspects of Soulmate’s features such as messaging options, search functions, profile setup etc., making sure everything was easy-to-use and intuitive from our user perspective. Additionally, we read through their Terms & Conditions page thoroughly just to make sure there were no hidden fees or charges lurking about! Lastly but most importantly (and what sets us apart from other review sites), is that my team spent several hours interacting with people on the site itself in order to really understand its potential value for those looking for love or companionship online – something you won’t find many places else out there! All this combined gave us more than enough data points needed for creating an accurate picture when reviewing Soulmate overall – giving readers insight into whether this might be right fit them if they’re considering joining up themselves

Soulmate features

Well, folks, I’ve taken a look at Soulmate and it’s not quite the match made in heaven that some people make it out to be. Sure, they have free features like creating your profile and searching for other singles but if you want any real value from this dating site then you’re going to have to shell out cash.

The paid features are pretty basic: You can send messages with emojis or GIFs; check who’s viewed your profile; get access to more search filters (which is really just narrowing down the same pool of users); see when someone has read one of your messages; hide yourself from searches so no one knows you’re there…you know what? It all sounds kind of boring! Plus their subscription fees aren’t exactly cheap either – which makes me wonder why anyone would pay them instead of using another service where they could get better bang for their buck.

And don’t even get me started on those unique ‘Soulmatch’ feature – basically an algorithm designed by scientists (or so they say) that matches compatible partners based on personality traits…yeah right! Sounds like something straight outta a sci-fi movie rather than reality – unless my dates start talking about quantum physics then I’m gonna call shenanigans here!

To top things off, customer support isn’t great either – responses take forever and usually don’t solve anything anyway. So yeah overall Soulmate ain’t worth its salt as far as online dating sites go – save yourself time & money by avoiding this dud altogether!

  • Secure and anonymous messaging system
  • Detailed profile pages with photos and information about potential matches
  • Ability to search for matches based on location, age, interests, etc.
  • Compatibility quizzes to help find the perfect match
  • Comprehensive safety measures to ensure user security

Security & Safety

If you’re looking for a safe and secure dating app, Soulmate is not the one. While it may have its perks in terms of features and design, when it comes to safety measures there’s nothing much going on here. There’s no verification process so anyone can sign up without having to prove their identity – which means that bots or fake accounts could be running rampant on this platform!

Plus, there doesn’t seem to be any two-step authentication either – meaning your account isn’t as protected from hackers as you’d like it to be. And even if someone does manage get into your account somehow (which would probably happen pretty easily), they won’t need an extra code sent via email or text message before being able access all of your personal information… yikes!

And don’t even get me started about photo reviews – apparently none are done manually at all! So who knows what kind of inappropriate images might show up while scrolling through profiles? Not exactly ideal…

Finally let’s talk privacy policy: unfortunately I couldn’t find anything solid regarding how user data is handled by Soulmate after signing up – leaving us with more questions than answers about our security online. All in all, this makes using the app quite risky business indeed!

Mobile App

Ah, Soulmate. The online dating site that has us all asking the same question: does it have a mobile app? Well, I’m here to answer that burning question for you! Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you look at it), Soulmate doesn’t currently offer an app version of their service. But don’t worry – there’s still plenty of ways to use this awesome platform from your phone or tablet! The main reason why they haven’t released an official mobile application is likely due to resources and time constraints; developing apps can be costly and require quite a bit of effort before they’re ready for launch. Plus, since most people already access the website through their phones anyway – thanks in part to its responsive design – launching an additional native application may not make much sense right now. That being said though, if/when Soulmate decides create one down the line we can expect something pretty great given what we know about them so far… It would no doubt include many helpful features such as real-time notifications when someone messages you or sends a “like” your way; easy navigation with intuitive user interface elements like swipeable cards which allow users quickly find matches without having type out long search queries; plus various other bells & whistles designed specifically help members get more out of their experience on the go!. And best yet – chances are good that it’ll be free download too so everyone will able take advantage regardless budget size!

So while waiting eagerly for news regarding potential future developments by soul mate team, let’s enjoy our current options available via web browser till then.

Help & Support

If you’re looking for a dating site with great support, Soulmate is not the one. I’ve been using it for some time now and have had nothing but problems when trying to access their customer service. It’s like they don’t even care about helping people out!

For starters, there isn’t really any way to contact them directly unless you want to wait hours or days on end just hoping someone will get back in touch with you. Even then, the response times are usually pretty slow and unsatisfactory – no matter how many emails I sent off or questions asked via social media platforms, my queries were never answered properly or at all! And if that wasn’t bad enough already…there doesn’t seem to be an FAQ page either so users can look up answers themselves without having to go through all of this hassle – talk about inconvenient!

To make matters worse still; after waiting around forever (it felt like) for a reply from their ‘support team’, what little help did come was often generic advice which didn’t address my issue whatsoever- total waste of time if ya ask me. Not only that but whenever something went wrong while navigating the website itself (which happened more than once), getting technical assistance was almost impossible as well…I mean c’mon guys? What kind of online dating platform has such terrible customer service?!

Bottom line: If good quality support is important in your search for love then unfortunately Soulmate won’t be able do much justice here – better keep looking elsewhere folks ’cause this ain’t gonna cut it!.


When it comes to Soulmate, the price tag isn’t exactly soul-stirring. While there is a free version of the dating site available, its features are limited and don’t really give you much bang for your buck. To get access to all that Soulmate has to offer – like detailed profiles and messaging options – you have to shell out some cash for a paid subscription plan.

The good news is that these plans aren’t too expensive; they range from $9-$19 per month depending on how long you sign up for upfront (e.g., three months vs six). But even so, compared with other online dating sites in this same ballpark, I wouldn’t say their prices are particularly competitive or wallet-friendly either way – not great if money’s tight! Plus if cost savings was what drew people into signing up in the first place…well then they might be disappointed by now! That said though: paying customers do get more than just an expanded feature set — such as being able see who liked them without having match first — but also exclusive discounts on special events hosted by Soulmate throughout the year which could make it worth shelling out after all…

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, search for matches, send messages, upload photos
Plus $9.99/month Advanced search filters, unlimited messaging, read receipts
Pro $19.99/month Incognito mode, advanced analytics, priority customer support

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to Soulmate include OkCupid, Match.com, and Plenty of Fish – all popular online dating sites that offer a variety of features for singles looking for relationships.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OKCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for people looking to find a long-term relationship.
  • Best for those who want to meet someone with similar interests and values.
  • Best for singles seeking an honest, meaningful connection.


1. Is Soulmate worth it?

Soulmate isn’t worth it. It’s just another dating site with the same features as all the others, and I didn’t have any luck on there. Definitely not a great experience overall.

2. How does Soulmate website work?

Soulmate is a dating site that’s supposed to help you find your perfect match, but it doesn’t seem to work. It seems like all the profiles are fake and there’s no way of actually connecting with anyone. Plus, they make it really hard for you to cancel your subscription so be careful if you decide to try this website out!

3. Does Soulmate have a mobile app?

No, Soulmate doesn’t have a mobile app. That’s really disappointing because it would make using the site so much easier. I guess you’re stuck with just using their website for now!

4. Is Soulmate working and can you find someone there?

I tried Soulmate and it’s not really working. I didn’t find anyone there, so don’t waste your time on it. It’s just another dating site that doesn’t deliver what they promise.

Karenna Alexander

Karenna Alexander is an online dating expert and reviewer with a passion for helping people find the perfect match. She has been in the industry since 2012, when she started her own blog to share advice on navigating the world of digital romance. Originally from New York City, Karenna earned her Bachelor's degree in Communications from NYU before moving out west to pursue further education at Stanford University where she received her Master’s Degree in Psychology & Human Behavior. It was during this time that Karenna developed a deep interest and understanding of relationships; both platonic and romantic ones alike - something which eventually led to her becoming one of today’s leading voices on modern love connections via technology-driven platforms like apps or websites. After graduating, Karenna began writing reviews about various popular dating sites/apps such as Tinder or Bumble – focusing mainly on user experience while also offering helpful tips along the way! Her expertise extends beyond just reviewing though: She regularly offers coaching sessions tailored specifically towards those looking for guidance regarding their online presence (or lack thereof). With years worth of experience under belt coupled with academic qualifications rooted firmly within psychology & communication studies - it goes without saying that you can trust what comes out through these words whenever they are published by Ms Alexander!

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